Portal OS
Portal OS is the modular, flexibly cofigurable software run by validators. It includes all the supported chain full nodes, the Portal Coordinator and other consensus critical modules.
Flexible, Configurable, & Easy to install and run. Built for Validators.
Portal OS coordinator performs cross chain messaging and coordination.
Network Architecture
A core enabler for Omnichain interoperability is the ability to atomically exchange assets held by mutually untrusting owners on different ledgers.
Portal DEX
Portal DEX is based on layer two cross chain atomic swaps developed by Portal. Instead of using layer one swaps that are slow, and expensive, Portal DEX uses layer two contracts on both Bitcoin and Ethereum to provide speed and low transaction fees.
The Coordinator
A daemon that maintains a decentralized order book, and other associated services (liquidity for lightning channels, etc.). Performs cross-blockchain message passing between chains
Every PortalOS node comes with a State Chain Module, anyone wishing to participate in being a Validator can run the Validator Module. Validator Module also periodically enables validators/node runners to participate in next round Validator election.
MC-LAMM Liquidity
PortalOS uses highly customized AMMs on each chain to enable an Omnichain AMM. Together, the AMMs form what we call a Multi Chain Layer-2 AMM or MC-LAMM for short.
MP-HTLC on Lightning
Portal contracts on Bitcoin are Multi Party Hash Time Lock Contracts (MP-HTLCs) whose spendable outputs can be exchanged against by Traders, across chains.
LP Staking and Unstaking
LPs stake native assets to earn rewards while facilitating timely settlement of swaps.
The Future of Information Markets
Our goal is to create a web scale, serverless, peer-to-peer infrastructure and ecosystem with strong privacy and security guarantees, utilizing Bitcoin as the settlement layer.